This site partially shows what is being done in the technological domain to keep floating the environmental struggle which is actually in jeopardy. Environment protection is highly related to the creation of renewanle energy and this blog is dedicated to see the evolution of the replacement of fossil fuels by alternate and clean energies.
Le but de ce blog est de présenter en partie ce qui se fait dans les domaines technologiques pour raviver cette lutte pour l'environnement que l'on croyait gagnée mais certains détracteurs ont pu crér le doute dans l'esprit des gens. La protection de l'environnrmrnt est alliée intimement à la création d'énergies renouvelables et ce blog a pour objectif d'informer ur tout ce qui touche au remplacement progressif de l'énergie fossile qui dans un avenir rapproché ne sera plus dispomible. Il est temps de penser sérieusement à l'avenir de notre planète

vendredi 14 janvier 2011

How does solar power work

It is a known fact that the amount of energy that reaches earth everyday in the form of sunlight is enough to supply the entire planet with all the electricity it needs and more than just one time around at that. Now, to turn the energy contained in sunlight to usable electrical energy, a semiconductor is required which is capable of transforming the sun’ rays to electricity when sunlight hits it. Such a device is known as a solar panel or a photovoltaic cell. The oldest and the first photovoltaic cells were made of silicon, one of the most common elements that are found on our planet. The capability of silicon to convert light energy into electrical energy had made it an important discovery, but it is also quite expensive to use this element for capturing solar power.

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