This site partially shows what is being done in the technological domain to keep floating the environmental struggle which is actually in jeopardy. Environment protection is highly related to the creation of renewanle energy and this blog is dedicated to see the evolution of the replacement of fossil fuels by alternate and clean energies.
Le but de ce blog est de présenter en partie ce qui se fait dans les domaines technologiques pour raviver cette lutte pour l'environnement que l'on croyait gagnée mais certains détracteurs ont pu crér le doute dans l'esprit des gens. La protection de l'environnrmrnt est alliée intimement à la création d'énergies renouvelables et ce blog a pour objectif d'informer ur tout ce qui touche au remplacement progressif de l'énergie fossile qui dans un avenir rapproché ne sera plus dispomible. Il est temps de penser sérieusement à l'avenir de notre planète

samedi 1 janvier 2011

Year in Review: Energy is top environmental issue in 2010

Energy issues dominated the environment reporting here this year as Michigan struggled with the ecological costs of power generation and the proper regulation of the means of power generation.The year began with news that CMS Energy had received a permit from the state to build a hotly contested 830 megawatt coal plant at its Karn/Weadock facility in Essexville, but it soon became clear that the planned facility faced obstacles beyond state regulation.
In a report to investors in March, CMS warned that federal environmental laws and regulations related to greenhouse gas emissions and coal ash disposal would become more stringent and that the company will be required to make significant new investments in upgrades to pollution control equipment

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