This site partially shows what is being done in the technological domain to keep floating the environmental struggle which is actually in jeopardy. Environment protection is highly related to the creation of renewanle energy and this blog is dedicated to see the evolution of the replacement of fossil fuels by alternate and clean energies.
Le but de ce blog est de présenter en partie ce qui se fait dans les domaines technologiques pour raviver cette lutte pour l'environnement que l'on croyait gagnée mais certains détracteurs ont pu crér le doute dans l'esprit des gens. La protection de l'environnrmrnt est alliée intimement à la création d'énergies renouvelables et ce blog a pour objectif d'informer ur tout ce qui touche au remplacement progressif de l'énergie fossile qui dans un avenir rapproché ne sera plus dispomible. Il est temps de penser sérieusement à l'avenir de notre planète

vendredi 10 décembre 2010

French solar freeze 'wretched'

France will freeze new solar projects for four months and set a limit on how long they can take to be installed, according to a draft decree detailing the plan that has sparked criticism from the industry.
The halt would apply to projects with a capacity greater than 3 kilowatts, according to the draft circulated by the government Friday. The rules would give producers 18 months to start output once a first payment is made to the network operator locking in feed-in-tariff subsidies.
Prime Minister Francois Fillon announced the freeze Thursday, saying it would quell what the government has called a "veritable speculative bubble" in the photovoltaic energy industry. Solar companies have said the rules will lead to lost jobs and cancelled projects.
"The measures are wretched," said Arnaud Mine, head of the solar division of the French renewable industries organization Syndicat des Energies Renouvelables. France's solar industry has come under scrutiny in recent months as capacity expanded quickly amid decreasing costs while subsidized tariffs remained relatively highRead more:

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